Well, I couldn't very well have an entire post devoted to Bentley (link: HERE) and not have one about BOO now, could I?!
The problem is that Boo is camera shy. Really! He knows -- and HATES -- the camera. He hates the flash. He hates the little red light that shines in his eyes, even when the flash is OFF. He literally runs when he sees me with the camera. The older he gets, the worse his camera-phobia has become. Therefore, it has become quite difficult to get a nice picture of Boo lately (awake, anyway!!!)
Boo is so special to me. He was 4 years old in January. He started out in life with a heart murmur which scared me, but it resolved before he was a year old. He is "fit as a fiddle" now, and I am sooooo relieved and happy about that.
I love him so much. He was my first "Raggie" and I will never forget how adorable he was as a baby kitten.. This is Boo the first time I "met" him... not quite 3 months old, and still at the breeder's. (Is this not the CUUUUTEST kitten you have EVER seen???!)
These are some pictures of Boo "through the years"... see how he has darkened up? He's a seal bi-color Ragdoll, so (as is typical for Raggies) his dark brown "points" got gorgeously darker through the years... but of course his eyes stayed bright, clear blue.

Doin' the Famous Raggie Flop! (With my daughter's cat, Buster.)

Me and m' boy!

Look at that face! Could you resist THAT FACE???!! I can't!

Just ONE MORE treat, Mom???? Pleeeeeze????
During our kitchen remodel, Boo quickly learned to climb the step ladder all by himself. He would shimmy up there in 5 seconds flat, and then "supervise" us from his "perch"!

Boo's such a quirky little guy. He makes us laugh (and scratch our heads!) frequently. Raggies are typically a pretty "quiet" breed, but not Boo -- I guess he didn't get that memo! He is VERY vocal, always *talkin'* about something!
He's more cuddly than his li'l brother, Bentley... but some of that I am convinced comes with a little bit of age. Right now, "play" is the name of (one-year-old) Bentley's game! Boo is especially snuggly during naps and at bedtime, and oh, I LOVE that! He's a selective lap-cat... loves my husband's lap at his home office chair (?!!) and my lap when I'm in the bathroom ("?!!" indeed!) and when I'm sitting at a dining room chair. Go figure?! But hey, we'll take it wherever we can get it!
So, it's no secret that my husband and I totally adore BOTH of our kitties. They crack us up and they make us smile everyday. I think animals are truly a "gift"... and I am honored and delighted to share my home and heart with these two.
For more posts on my kitties, please look here:
Thank you!
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