Saturday, December 29, 2012


If you read THIS post ("Sustainability -- or, Going the Distance"), then you know what we're talking about.

Sustainability is, to me, the ability to consistently live our life in a pace and pattern that is realistic; having the energy to do what we need and want to do, without feeling perpetually overworked, overloaded, exhausted, or stressed.

Yes, of course, we can summon the adrenaline and do something for a short period of time that we would not be able to do indefinitely.  And sometimes this unpredictable, crazy thing called "life" requires that.  But that should be the exception, rather than the rule, of our lives.

After all, you can only "burn the candle at both ends" for so long... eventually you will be burned.

In my opinion, sustainability entails making wise, well-thought-out decisions, large and small, that are not knee-jerk or focused on "instant gratification" -- but rather, on what's better for the "long haul."  I think that some of us may be more hardwired for success in this area than others, but I believe it is something any of us can learn.

Although I already strive to live a simple, uncomplicated, quiet (although at times very busy) life, I knew I could make some additional beneficial changes.  As I mentioned in Part 1, I made the decision on vacation to set some goals and make some changes when I got home to sustain those blissful feelings of restfulness and relaxation.

My personal goals?
To exercise more (back on the morning routine, before work, which sounds grueling but really does work best for me),  to lose that pesky 5 pounds I had resigned myself to made peace with, and most importantly -- to get more sleep.  Surprisingly, the "getting more sleep" is the hardest, but that is my priority, because I have learned that all the rest of my goals depend and hinge on that.

I have a set M-F work schedule, so to "get more sleep",  I have to go to bed earlier.  There's simply no other option.  BUT, to be successful with that, I have to start winding down about 8 pm... and that means kitties fed and litter cleaned, house tidied up, computer and TV off,  PJs on, face washed, teeth flossed and brushed, bed turned down, alarm set, phone charging, clothes chosen and set out for tomorrow.   It's much easier said than done.  But I'm trying -- and so far, so good!

Now what about my friend's question, "But not everything is sustainable.  What about enjoying the moment?"  This is what I told her:  Enjoying the moment, to me, means taking time to really absorb and appreciate the beauty of the "here" and the "now."  That's a wonderful thing, and sustainability is not in conflict with that.  A happy and well-balanced life has plenty of room for both.

In fact, as we were having that long-distance text discussion, I was poolside in Cancun, absolutely enjoying the moment of warm sun, white sand, blue Caribbean water, and the delicious Mango Margarita beside me!

Photo credits:  HERE and  HERE.

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