Monday, May 27, 2013

GRAND-PUPPEH! (Or, Introducing Jack!)

I am so excited!  We have a new addition to our family and his name is Jack.  Jack is a 9 week old red standard poodle puppy and he is 100% adorable!  ♥  Belonging to my daughter and her husband, that makes Jack my grand puppy.  (Sigh. All my grand babies have four legs and fur... none of the human variety... yet.)

My daughter and her husband have 2 kitties, Buster and Remy. Buster is a big tiger boy, almost 20 pounds.  He acts all tough and MACHO MANLY but he's just a soft and sweet momma's boy at heart.

Remy is smaller, and such a character.  She talks more than most people.  She's always meowing about something.  She is very friendly and loving (with a feisty streak)!

My son has a cat, Loco, who has been his trusty and loyal companion for years.  And you guys know I've got my two wonderful and handsome Ragdoll cats, Boo and Bentley  We are definitely a family of cat lovers, pure and simple.

"So how did you come to have a puppy then?" you ask. Well, the simple answer is that Kendra had been thinking for awhile about adding a dog to her family... we met a puppy and fell in love -- and the rest is, as they say, history!

Kendra and Jack

The story:  My husband and I were visiting my sister recently in Arizona (a great vacation - but that's another post for another time!) and met her friend LeeAnna Springer of Springer Clan Standard Poodles.

Springer Clan Puppies

LeeAnna breeds standard poodles, and I was very impressed with both her practices and her dogs.  I came home excitedly telling my daughter about the visit.  Well, didn't Kendra get to see for herself, up close and personal, when LeeAnna flew to the east coast shortly afterwards to pick up a puppy (Charlee) that she was buying to eventually add to her own breeding program.  We got to spend some time with LeeAnna and that delightful puppy.   Hmmm... the message was coming through loud and clear: these dogs are simply wonderful!

Springer Clan Charlee (Jack's sister!)

So my daughter realized that she had found her breed.  LeeAnna didn't have any puppies available, but Kendra contacted Charlee's breeder (Seminole Standard Poodles), and there was one pup from the litter still available, a little red boy.   Bonus time: this breeder was within driving distance to us -- SCORE!   Long story short, we picked up little Jack in West Virginia on Friday.  He is just as sweet, mellow, laid back and adorable as his sister Charlee.  Everyone who meets him falls instantly in love.  He is just irresistible!

Jack and his daddy

So if you are new to standard poodles, like we were, here are some fun facts:
  • Standard poodles are a medium-to-large sized dog.
  • Full grown males typically weigh 45 - 70 pounds; females usually a little smaller.  Height 15" (or more) at shoulders.
  • The coat is either curly or corded; they come in all solid colors including black, blue, silver, gray, cream, aprocot, red (like Jack and Charlee), white, brown, or cafe-au-lait.  
  • They are a long-lived breed, with a typical life expectancy of 12-15 years (or more).
  • They usually love the water.  The name poodle comes from the German word, "pudel" which means to splash in water.  
  • Poodles shed little to no hair and are good for allergy sufferers.  They do not have that typical "doggie odor." 
  • The standard poodle is proud, graceful, noble, good-natured, enjoyable and cheerful.  
  • Some of the poodle's talents include: retrieving, agility, watchdog, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. 
  • They are loving and highly intelligent, considered to be one of the most trainable breeds.
  • Generally easy to please, comical, friendly toward strangers, and excellent with children; good with other animals.  
From:;  Standard Poodle Facts; 

Kendra doesn't especially love the fancy, pom-pom, froo-frooey show-style poodle clip that most of us think of when we hear the word "poodle" (and honestly, neither do I!)  

She plans to keep Jack groomed in a sporting clip or puppy clip style.  Look HERE for details.  Squeee -- TEDDY BEAR!!!

Last picture of Jack... for now!!
Sleeping PUPPEH!!!   Is there anything cuter?!  ♥

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