Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My (Handmade) Dog 'n' Cat Quilt !

I was rooting through a closet the other day and ran across this quilt, and realized I had never posted pictures of it before. I made it a few years ago, and it is one of my favorites. A menagerie of  pups and kitties (two of my favorite things!) -- and sooooo whimsical and cute!  (BTW, that bumpy *LUMP* under the upper right hand corner is my own real kitty, Boo, playing hide 'n' seek!)

This quilt was SO much fun to make.   Using "scrips 'n' scraps" of some of my favorite fabrics, and a piecing method called "paper piecing" or "foundation piecing", it's a little "different" than most of the other quilts I have made.

And OH -- no two blocks are the same, and all the critters have little round black beads sewn on for eyes, and the dogs have real button noses!

So, wouldya' like to "meet" some of the individual "kids" on the block?! (LOL, no PUN intended!!!)

Well, lookie there, even the real fur-kid approves!  Actually he and Boo have been trying DESPERATELY to CHEW OFF all the button noses!!!  (GAH!  BAD Raggies!!!!)   ;o)

(For additional posts featuring my handmade quilts, please look HERE and HERE.  Thank you!)

And PS... I have gotten a lot of requests for the book that this pattern is from. Please see "Comments" below for all info. Also, feel free to message me through the "contact" link on the blog's home page with any questions not answered there.  ENJOY!


  1. This is a great quilt! Me and my mother are making a quilt to donate to the local animal organization so they can raffle it off and raise some money - can you share with us where you got the quilt pattern from? We would love to use it! It is adorable!!!!

  2. Carrie,

    Thanks for the kind comments. How wonderful and generous of you and your mother to make a quilt to benefit your local shelter! I am happy to help!

    The quilt is from a book entitled, "It's Raining Cats and Dogs" by Janet Kime. It's the "Mutts & Friends" pattern: picture on page 21, directions start on page 41.

    Please let me know how it goes!

  3. Hello Lynn

    thanks for the info on the pattern! It's a great quilt!
    Beatrice (from France - Europe)

  4. Where can i purchase this pattern please?

  5. Hi I have only just come across your fabulous quilt. Just hoping the book is still available? I really would love to do this pattern. You have inspired me to have a go.

  6. Thank you for posting the name of the book!! I’ve been looking for it for 2 days for a charity quilt!!!

  7. HAPPY to help! It's such a delightful quilt!
