Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day # 9 (Pet Peeves)

(This is Day # 9 of my 30-day Blog Challenge... see post of August 31 for details!)

Ooooh, I've kinda been looking forward to this one!!!
Pet peeves, huh?  Well, like Frank Sinatra's regrets, I've had a few!

Two come to mind, right off the bat:

1. Ingratitude
2. Laziness

Oh, maaaaaaaaaaaaan, I really HATE those qualities!  There's just no excuse for either one.  You don't have to be smart or rich or advantaged or good-looking to be *appreciative* and *a hard worker*.  Two thoughts always come to my mind when I think about this.  Number #1, nobody owes any of us anything, so if someone does something thoughtful for you, RECOGNIZE it and show some appreciation, will ya'?!!!  And # 2 -- um, ever hear of, "no workie, no eatie"???!  GAH!  I truly have zero tolerance for ingratitude or laziness, let me tell you!

OK, then, after those "Top Two"... here are the rest of my pet peeves, in no particular order:

Rudeness, intentional meanness, and selfishness.  Don't those qualities (clearly conscious and controllable) just wreak terrible havoc on innocent bystanders?  HATE. THAT. TOO!

Passive-aggressive behavior.  Those people need professional help to deal with their issues!  Period. 

Now shifting gears a bit-- the rest of my pet peeves:

Misleading packaging -- huge containers with teeny-tiny products inside.

Cartons with broken or cracked eggs.

Products that break or malfunction as soon as the warranty expires.

Use of the (non) word, "irregardless".

Misuse of the word "myself" (as in, "Please call Joe, Squiggy or myself."  Um, it's just "ME", people!!!!) 

Clothes that shrink despite having carefully followed the washing and drying instructions.

(Bed) sheets that "pill".  GAH!

Dirty diamonds.

So, there you have it.  Lynn's All-Inclusive List of Personal Pet Peeves.  All said, not tooooo terribly long for a lifetime of livin', now is it???!!!  

Photo credit from here.

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