Sunday, November 15, 2009


I love this time of year for many reasons.

One reason is that the markets are full of one of my all-time favorite fruits... the pomegranate. Typically in season from October to January, they are virtually impossible to find (at least where I live!) at almost any other time of the year. Right now I have six or seven big, beautiful, plump ones in my kitchen, and I could easily eat (and often do!) one whole pomegranate a day.

Pomegranates are not only delicious, they are very nutritious, too. Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, pomegranates have been linked to heart, joint and artery health, blood pressure and cholesterol reduction, even possible cancer prevention.

How to Eat (and Enjoy) a Pomegranate:

Eating a pomegranate takes a little work because the edible seeds are encased in an inedible white membrane. The seeds are the part you eat -- they have a tangy, sweet-sour flavor.
Here's the best way to get to them:

• Slice the crown end of the pomegranate off.
• Score the rind in several places around the fruit (from top to bottom).
• Break (or cut) the sections apart.
• Put the sections in a bowl of water.
• Pry the seeds out with your fingers (but BE CAREFUL, the juice will stain clothes permanently).
• Strain the seeds using a colander.
• The seeds can be eaten right away, stored in the refrigerator or even frozen.

My favorite way to eat pomegranate seeds is just right out of hand. Yum, nature's candy! But they are also wonderful sprinkled on salads or cereal or stirred into yogurt. You can add pomegranate seeds to quick breads, muffin or cake recipes... or add them to savory sauces. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, pomegranate vinegar, syrup, or molasses are also quite delicious!

For more info and for some delightful recipes: (Who knew?!)

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